Although we recognize that quickness, ease and convenience are very attractive, we think dining could also be an almost sensuous experience. In fact, we would like to reintroduce dining as an experience that requires the use of all the senses; allowing people to take time to enjoy and revel in the experience. It should be, at it’s best, an experience that people miss in their daily lives. Above all, it should be fun, with freshness and surprises in the menu, with friendliness and knowledge in the service.
There is no doubt that with the uniqueness of our menu, expectations will be diverse as well as high. We at Green Zebra will focus simply on being a genuine restaurant devoted to the celebration of seasonality, freshness and flavor. In an era of “high-tech”, we will be “high-touch”, with the emphasis on customer recognition, providing personalized service, rewarding customer loyalty, and giving our guests an experience that’s worthy and will make us proud.